Helpful links, resources and contacts
Frequently accessed
PhD program
Master's program
Portfolio program
March 17 - 21: Spring Break
Feb 11 - Apr 28: Q/F drop period
Requires approval of instructor who assigns a "Q" or an "F." Add/drop form available from Graduate Coordinator. No refunds issued in Q/F drop period. Note: dropping a course after the 12th class day may drop you below full-time registration.
April 7 - 18: Registration for Summer & Fall 2025
Course schedules
For questions about admissions, degree/course requirements, fellowships, Graduate School requirements/deadlines, seminar attendance, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator. For assistance with course selection/advising, dissertation advisors/committees, please contact the Graduate Advisor. For questions related to the CSEM Graduate Studies Committee, please contact the GSC Chair.
Students may also contact current student leaders for information about CSEM graduate student life, student social events, student forums and student/faculty events.
Official university calendars for all academic years- consult for official dates.
Graduate School
Graduate School guidelines and application instructions.
Oden Institute
Steps to enter PhD candidacy, from submitting the proposal abstract to applying for candidacy.
Oden Institute
Course descriptions and approved course lists for CSEM students.
Online course schedules - registration instructions and other essential information.
Oden Institute
CSEM Student Handbook for the 2024-25 academic year
Oden Institute
Dissertation Defense Guidelines for CSEM Students
Oden Institute
List of CSEM Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) Faculty concentration areas (A, B, & C)
Official degree requirements and rules for all graduate programs.
Graduate School
Online tool to help students track progress and plan coursework to complete their degree.
Graduate School
Graduate School self-paced online course designed to help graduate students build strong mentoring relationships and develop networks of mentors on campus.
Graduate School
Links to graduation deadlines and forms, convocation information and career resources.
Graduate School
Timeline and list of academic milestones to be met while earning the PhD degree.
Oden Institute
PhD preliminary exam information and study packets
Oden Institute
Oden Institute media and brand kit including wordmark, logos and presentation templates.
Advising information, addresses, access times and registration bars.
Oden Institute
CSEM student leadership and student organizations at the Oden Institute and on campus.
UT Austin
University of Texas at Austin Honor Code (updated Fall 2023)
Graduate School
Graduate School academic employment information and policies.
Oden Institute
Funding opportunities for CSEM students through the Oden Institute.
Graduate School
Funding opportunities for graduate students through the Graduate School.
Human Resources
Insurance options for academic graduate student employees.
Human resources
Insurance options for graduate student fellowship holders.
Tuition and fees due by semester. Students must log in to complete registration.
Graduate School
Direct link to submission system for the non-resident tuition waiver based on employment.
Graduate School
Information on non-resident tuition waiver eligibility.
Oden Institute
Application to be a Teaching Assistant for CSEM graduate courses (CSEM students only)
Graduate School
Support for students to attend major professional meetings at which they present their research.
Graduate School
Information on the Tuition Reduction Benefit provided to TAs, AIs and some GRAs.
International Students
Texas Global
How to apply for social security (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification (ITIN) numbers.
Texas Global
Information and guidance on immigration rules, regulations and benefits.
Texas Global
Student insurance plan costs, enrollment and waiver instructions for international students.
Texas Global
Immigration advising, financial aid, insurance, employment and tax assistance.
Texas Global
Portal to process immigration documents and manage immigration related data.
Texas Global
ISSS provides assistance for filing nonresident U.S. tax returns.
Services and Resources
Graduate School
Includes health and wellness, families & childcare, career resources, housing & transportation, student organizations, and campus life.
Graduate School
Graduate School links to career resources for graduate students.
Graduate School
Official voice of graduate students at UT Austin.
Oden Institute
Outlines the policies and processes for addressing student grievances.
Graduate School
UHS, Counseling & Mental Health, Urgent Care Clinic, Crisis Line, Behavior Concerns Advice Line, Resource Guide, and more.
Graduate School
Graduate School housing and transportation information and resources.
UT Austin
Providing students inclusive career development and employer connections (formerly Texas Career Engagement)
Oden Institute
CSEM Program parental accommodation policies and form.
Oden Institute
Guidelines for Faculty, Research Staff, Postdoctoral Researchers, Students, and Administrative Staff of the Oden Institute.