In September the journal, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME), published a special issue in honor of J. Tinsley Oden. The Institute's founding director was editor-in-chief of the journal for over 40 years and in recognition of this, CMAME issued a special edition on September 21 2022 comprising various contributions in his honor from leading researchers from across the field.
A touching introductory note from editor Tarek Zohdi served as a useful reminder of the incredible impact J. Tinsley Oden has had on the Computational Science and Engineering community at large.
You can read the full text below:
"On January 1, 2022, J. Tinsley Oden became CMAME Emeritus Editor, after over 40 years of tirelessly serving the journal and the Computational Science and Engineering community at large. Throughout his career, J. Tinsley Oden has made seminal contributions in many areas of simulation-based engineering science. It is impossible to overstate his scientific accomplishments. A singularly distinguishing characteristic of J. Tinsley Oden is the immense and diverse list of areas he has worked on, such as: nonlinear continua, structural mechanics, solid–fluid interaction, a posteriori error estimation, adaptive modeling methods, multiscale modeling, uncertainty quantification and predictive computational science, atomistic and molecular systems, multiscale modeling, biomechanics and oncology. He has made incalculable efforts in serving the scientific community and has tirelessly championed the cause of computational science. In recognition of J. Tinsley Oden’s outstanding contributions to computational science and to his dedication to CMAME for over 40 years as an Editor, this special issue collects contributions in his honor from leading researchers from across the field."