University of Texas at Austin


Bajaj Named Solid Modeling Pioneer

Published July 14, 2016

ICES Professor Chandra Bajaj was awarded the honorific title of Solid Modeling Pioneer by the Solid Modeling Association at the SPM’2016 symposium in Berlin.

Bajaj was cited "for fundamental mathematical and computer science contributions to a wide array of computational sciences, including geometric and solid modeling, image processing, computer graphics, data analysis, and visualization. He has been prolific in each of these subfields, progressively focusing and mastering the sub-area over his three decades of academic research, education, and service activities."

Bajaj directs the ICES Computational Visualization Center, is a professor of computer sciences and holds the Computational Applied Mathematics Chair in Visualization. He is also an affiliate faculty member of the departments of mathematics, electrical and computer engineering, biomedical engineering, the Center for Perceptual Systems, the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, and the Center for Learning and Memory.

His research interests span the algorithmic and computational mathematics underpinnings of image processing, geometric modeling, computer graphics, visualization, structural biology and bioinformatics.

For his research and academic contributions, he was elected a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, and the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.

Bajaj recently received a $1.2 million NIH grant to develop algorithms that improve how medical devices gather data from tissues.