Published May 1, 2019
Marie Lopez del Puerto, former student of Oden Institute Professor Jim Chelikowsky, co-authored the "The Back Page" article in the March 2019 issue of the international APS News. The commentary advocates for the addition of computation to undergraduate physics courses.
"Computation is how modern physics work is done. Many of the most recent noteworthy discoveries in physics have involved extensive use of computation. Whether it be data reduction, data analysis and modeling, or simulation, the importance of computation in modern science cannot be overstated. In fact, leading voices in physics education have advocated for computation to be included in the experience of all current and prospective physics majors," says the high profile article.
Del Puerto and her co-authors are members of the Partnership for the Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) which has been working to support faculty interested in, or even just curious about, integrating computation into their courses. "PICUP’s mission is to support the broader use of computation across the physics curriculum. We are faculty from across the United States that aim to lower the barriers for teaching computation and to provide support to those faculty and departments interested in adopting computation into their courses," the authors say. Their efforts include running a variety of workshops and providing community support efforts.
Del Puerto worked with Chelikowsky at the institute from 2005-2008.