University of Texas at Austin
Kevin Clarno




office ETC 7.164

Kevin Clarno

GSC Faculty Affiliated Faculty

Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests

Energy Computational Physics


Dr. Clarno is an Associate Professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering program of the Mechanical Engineering Department and an Affiliate Faculty in the Oden Institute with a research focus on computational nuclear energy for multiphysics analysis of advanced nuclear reactor performance. Dr. Clarno received Nuclear Engineering degrees from MIT (BS '99) and Texas A&M University (MS '01; PhD '04), along with a MBA (Georgia Southern, '15) and worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for 15 years as a Distinguished R&D Staff member and Lead of the Reactor Physics Group. Dr. Clarno also holds a Joint Faculty Appointment with ORNL, where he was a leader in the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program and the Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light-Water Reactors (CASL) Energy Innovation Hub.

Dr. Clarno’s primary research areas include: (1) multiphysics coupling methods for advanced simulation of nuclear reactors to integrate analyses and improve accuracy; (2) multiscale neutronics, fuel performance, and thermal-hydraulics to enable high resolution analyses in coupled physics applications; (3) design, optimization, and analysis of advanced commercial and test reactor concepts; (4) integration of software to optimize advanced manufacturing of nuclear technologies; and (5) propagation of uncertainties through multiphysics applications to optimize experiments.

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