W. R. Woolrich Professorship in Engineering
Professor Mechanical Engineering
Ofodike (‘DK’) Ezekoye is a professor of mechanical engineering and currently Joe C. Walter Jr. Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He has been a faculty member at the University of Texas since 1993 and directs the UT Fire Research Group. He conducts research on fire safety engineering and heat and mass transfer in reacting systems. He has supervised over 30 Ph.D. students and over 40 M.S. students at UT Austin. Recent work includes experimental and computational characterization of compartment fire phenomena, lithium-ion battery system safety, and wildland fire behavior at the wildland-urban-interface. With collaborators, he has communicated research findings on fire safety in journal publications, conference presentations and proceedings, training seminars, book chapters, and webinars.
Ezekoye received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from The University of California at Berkeley. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. He has volunteered his time in many professional organizations in various roles on committees, editorial boards, and advisory boards. He is a Fellow of the ASME. He has received the NFPA Bigglestone best paper award for fire communication, D. Peter Lund Award from SFPE, a National Science Foundation Early Career Award (CAREER) and a Society of Automotive Engineering Ralph R Teetor Educational Award.