University of Texas at Austin
Computational Mechanics Group

Computational Mechanics Group

The mission of the Oden Institute Computational Mechanics Group (CMG) is to pursue research and development in computational mechanics and to promote Ph.D. and post-doctoral education in the discipline. Activities span fundamental mathematical investigations, the development of new and powerful computational methods and algorithms, and engineering, scientific and medical applications.

A current focus of the CMG is isogeometric analysis, an integrated vision of computational geometry and analysis aimed at unifying the disparate methods and data structures of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and breaking the current bottleneck in the translation of CAGD representations to FEA models. Isogeometric analysis provides a unique geometric foundation to product development, from design through analysis. In the few years since its inception, isogeometric analysis has become one of the most active research areas of computational mechanics, attracting investigators from mathematics, computer science and engineering.


Thomas J.R. Hughes
Thomas J.R. Hughes
Computational Mechanics Computational Fluid Dynamics Isogeometric Analysis

Faculty and Research Staff

Narayana Aluru
Narayana Aluru
Computational Materials Computational Mechanics
Shaolie Hossain
Shaolie Hossain
Computational Fluid Dynamics Patient Specific Modeling Cardiovascular Biomechanics Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System Modeling
Loukas Kallivokas
Loukas Kallivokas
Computational Mechanics Inverse Problems
Chad M. Landis
Chad M. Landis
Computational Materials Computational Mechanics
Robert Moser
Robert Moser
Uncertainty Quantification Computational Mechanics High-Performance Computing
Gregory J. Rodin
Gregory J. Rodin
Computational Materials Computational Mechanics Applied Mathematics
Charley Taylor
Charley Taylor
Computational Medicine



Members outside the Oden Institute

Michael Abdelmalik and Konstantin Key