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phone (512) 471-4273
office 2 ASE 5.214
Professor Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
Landis received his bachelor’s degrees in mechanical engineering and business from the University of Pennsylvania in 1994. He then earned his MS (1997) and PhD (1999) degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara. After spending a little over a year at Harvard University as a post-doc, he was then a faculty member in the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department at Rice University from 2000-2006. He joined the ASE&EM Department and the Oden Institute in 2007.
Landis's research focuses on continuum modeling and numerical simulation of the mechanical, electrical, magnetic and thermal behavior of materials. The group's specific interests are on active/smart materials such as ferroelectrics, shape memory alloys, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, and computational methods for fracture mechanics. The group's broader interests include plasticity, micromechanics, composites, and finite element methods.