University of Texas at Austin
Moncrief Grand Challenge Faculty Awards

Call for Proposals: February 1 (Annually)

Proposal Deadline: March 1 (Annually)

Selections will be announced the week following spring break.

For questions regarding this program, please contact Maria Stanzione.

Moncrief Grand Challenge Faculty Awards

The W. A. “Tex” Moncrief Grand Challenge Awards provide resources to give faculty time to focus on Oden Institute research and academic programs related to the grand challenges in computational engineering and sciences.

Each year, several awards are given to faculty based on their highly compelling research proposals that seek to enhance the competitiveness and international standing of the nation. The awards provide a stipend of up to $75,000 per award to cover salary and other expenses. Acceptance of an award requires the approval of the individual’s home department chair, the relevant dean, and the Oden Institute Director.

The scope of research appropriate for submission under this program is very broad. It includes application-driven grand challenge problems across engineering, the sciences, and medicine, as well as mathematical, statistical and computational foundations that advance the solution of grand challenge problems.

The number of awards made each year will vary depending on the proceeds of the endowment.

Recipients are expected to prepare a final report summarizing their accomplishments. In addition, opportunities will be available to present research accomplishments in the Oden Institute Seminar Series.

FY 2024 Awardees

Deep Generative Physical Modeling for Blind Imaging Inverse Problems

Faculty: Jon Tamir

Development of a Novel Non-invasive Computational Method for Cerebral Aneurysm Mechanical Behaviors for Pre-operative Diagnostics

Faculty: Michael S. Sacks

Digging on the Moon with Differentiable Programming: A Pathway to Advanced Lunar Robotic Construction

Faculty: Krishna Kumar

FY 2023 Awardees

Quantum Design of Materials for Energy-efficient Information and Communication Technology

Faculty: Feliciano Giustino

Domain Splitting for Cislunar Orbit Uncertainty Propagation

Faculty: Brandon A. Jones

Predicting Star Formation: Past and Future

Faculty: Stella Offner

FY 2022 Awardees

A practical computational framework for n = 1 clinical trials

Faculty: Tom Yankeelov

Robust and accelerated randomized algorithms for scientific machine learning

Faculty: Rachel Ward

Randomized algorithms for solving linear systems

Faculty: Per-Gunnar Martinsson

Exascale computing methods for the design of new battery materials and catalysts

Faculty: Graeme Henkelman

Aquifer Characterization from Spaceborne Imaging Radar Data

Faculty: Ann Chen

FY 2021 Awardees

Modeling of cold atmospheric-pressure plasma discharge for the synthesis of ammonia as a carbon-free liquid fuel

Faculty: Laxminarayan Raja

Decarbonatization While Increasing Oil Production Using CO2

Faculty: Mary F. Wheeler

Computational Modeling of the Deformation and Failure of Soft Materials

Faculty: Chad M. Landis